2009-01-07 04:46:27 UTC
On Tue, 6 Jan 2009 00:01:49 -0600, "www.freedomtofascism.com"
NNTP-Posting-Host: 76bbea7f.newsrazor.net
And it's obsolete.>>
Most of you who buying the GPS units are being suckered in. It's not reallyborder1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!nx02.iad.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!!transit3.readnews.com!news-xxxfer.readnews.com!news-out.readnews.com!postnews3.readnews.com!not-for-mail
NNTP-Posting-Host: 76bbea7f.newsrazor.net
Well, genius, did you know all auto manufacturers in the US, Germany,
France, Austrailia and Great Britain are now required in 2009 and on
MUST, by law, use a type of listening system similar to Chevrolet's OnStar
so Government and certain murderous Jewish cults can listen to anything
goes on inside? As you probably already know it has GPS too, so they know
exactly where you're at and can shutdown those vehicles at the flip of a
switch. You have lost control of your life. They own you, totally and
completely. Stop being a idiot and think for yourself. Quit letting others
brainwash you so easily.
You do realize that GPS requires satellites, right?France, Austrailia and Great Britain are now required in 2009 and on
MUST, by law, use a type of listening system similar to Chevrolet's OnStar
so Government and certain murderous Jewish cults can listen to anything
goes on inside? As you probably already know it has GPS too, so they know
exactly where you're at and can shutdown those vehicles at the flip of a
switch. You have lost control of your life. They own you, totally and
completely. Stop being a idiot and think for yourself. Quit letting others
brainwash you so easily.
And it's obsolete.>>
GPS, it's a tracking devise. The government is bouncing lasers off
stategically placed towers and are able to give the impression you're
looking at a map but in fact you're seeing basically a holographic image.
You are not being told this.
This post originated from Supernews,
not newsrazor.net. The idiot posting
from newsrazor.net is forging the nym
www.freedomtofascism.com in hopes that
people reading Google will think we're
the same person.